Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Crochet Obsession!

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Stacy. I am a 32 year mother of 3 and the wife of a fabulous man for almost 10 years. Before there were kids in our lives my husband and I lived in Bloomington, Indiana. He was starting his first 2 years of medical school there. Without kids and without family nearby, I had lots of time on my hands. I always wanted to learn to crochet. My grandmother was an expert knitter and crocheter. I decided to surprise her by taking lessons in a little yarn store downtown. 9 years later, I am still passionate about crocheting. In fact, if you ask my husband, he would say that I am obsessed!

I have written a few of my own patterns, but mostly I find my patterns online. My favorite spots to look are http://www.ravelry.com/, http://www.etsy.com/, http://www.crochettoday.com/ and http://www.interweavecrochet.com/. Here's a picture of my latest project.

Love these owl hats, inspired by Miriah Gilbert's "What-A-Hoot Owl pattern, that I bought on etsy. Of course, I had to change the pattern a little. I don't think I've ever followed a pattern exactly. I love to change them so they fit just perfect. Here's a couple pictures of my youngest son and baby girl wearing theirs. I'll take one of those in an adult size please!